
Friday 17 August 2012


"And you have a British blue? Grayish like that?" - Often asks me to Potential Buyer - "And with ears pressed?"
"There are British, there are blue, there is a grayish, and there pressed to ears. But it's all different kittens" - I replied.
Let's face it.
There is a breed of cats called the British Shorthair.
There is another breed that is Scottish fold. This is the one with "bent ears." 
And there are other characteristics: hair color, pattern, length of hair and so on ...And in the matter of the Potential Buyer is hidden just three questions. Of course, if the British Shorthair is the name answer to the question about the length of hair, something about a Scottish no denying it.However, the Scottish some other time.

Thus, the British Shorthair cat. What are they?

American Standard describes the British breed of cats as follows: "The British Shorthair - a compact, well balanced and powerful cats.Powerful body, full broad chest, short to medium strong legs, rounded paws, tail - thick at the base, with rounded ends. Head - Round, with wide-set ears of medium size. Muzzle: round cheeks, firm chin, large round, well-open eyes and a medium broad nose. The coat is short and very dense. Females are less massive in all respects, than the males. "
(General description of the species cited from the American standard just because of the officially recognized only general descriptions of CFA-standard is written as briefly and clearly the same time.
In fairness, we note that some Russian breeders of British Shorthair cats have achieved such success in the breeding of quality animals, which the Americans and never dreamed of)
As you can see, the British Shorthair (BCS) - is a powerful "plush" cat. But the standard is still the color coat, and drawing color. Some know that such a "gray" color is blue. But there is another, and "purple" color. It just so called purple. In fact, the purple britanchikov plush, blue-colored mink coat. Such blond and rich. And the purple on them - pads and paws nose.And britanchiki are black and white, chocolate and red (officially - red), two-, and tri-color. And even the silver and gold (a rarity!). Silver and gold britanchikov patterned on the wool is popularly known as "Whiskas" (Remember the television commercial feeds Whiskas to murchaschim striped kitten in the palm of your hand and you'll understand - why). And according to the scientific - tabby, tabby or rather.

I am often asked, "What color is best?" In response, generally, I also ask the question: "Who is better: blondes or brunettes?" Each has its own coloration wonderful party. For example, blue and purple colors - classic.On these colors have a Russian felinologists quality wool that is simply impossible to pass such a plush, not dipping into his hands.
Chocolate and black color britanchikov soothes any nervous system at the mere sight of the depth of their wool. A silver patterned britanchiki extremely affectionate (yes, it is completely independent of the cats!) Talkative and often in response to a caress.
And what gives aesthetic pleasure Briton Golden Courage with his chocolate spots on the gold emery cloth (photo left).
He was no less "shokoladisty 'son (pictured right), a mischievous and murlychlivy, always ready to lie down on your knees. Well, except that occasionally run to mischief but for the ball to race.
Probably, a powerful body and royal impregnable face Britain pose absolutely no true impression of their aggressiveness. No, no and no again!

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