
Thursday 16 August 2012


In order to describe the cat does not need many words: whiskers, paws, tail and two ears ... Well, maybe add a little stealth, flexibility and grace ...What can I say! Cat - she has a cat! ..
But Mother Nature could not accept such an injustice that people have spent hundreds of years to improve the dog - the breed made friends, soldiers, nurses, security guards and even the dogs toys for women and children! But the cat was unchanged through the years for its elegant, independent gait ... For Nature such injustice had been offended, and she decided to surprise people by giving first a fluffy fur coat Persian, Siamese and then refined color ... Then she did it much. And the nineteenth and twentieth centuries were marked by a "bunch" of rock-forming mutations in the feline kingdom!
Of course, the idea caught the inquisitive nature of humanity and the beginning of creation. Improved and created breed: snub-nosed, curly, hairless ... Only people who have grown accustomed to the Fold, both in front of them - a new gift: a cat on her head a crown of ears, curls! What is this? But please, a new breed - the American Curl (from the English. Curl - Curl). That is the name stuck in Russia, although correct to say - "Kel".
Stylish American Curl ears firm to the touch (well, just the horns!), Coyly bent backward in a smooth arc and covered with a lush halo of hair! Model lugs give attractive face and sly expression of surprise - look what I have refined and unique! Restless Americans picked up the gift of nature (the first female of this species was found in Southern California in 1981) and began to improve it. Curls appear different colors and with different length hair. Longhair Curls have soft, silky hair, do not annoy the owners of molting, and short-strike the unique brilliance of luxurious fur coat.
A character? It is impossible that such a miracle was contrary disposition! The nature of Curl - a mixture of loyalty, affection, good humor and curiosity. Good health care and ease complete the picture perfect cat. Do Curls do not have any weaknesses? Alas, have ... The price for a kitten-kerlika exhibition class is quite high. This is due both to the complexity of breeding, and with the rarity and scarcity of the breed. Yes, this breed will never be the property of the masses, but rather, a cat for a select few ...
For example, the CFA - the largest of the American Federation of cat and curl as the founder of the breed in 1999 were born in 160, and in 2000 - only 185 animals of this breed! That's why it was very difficult to persuade the U.S. to agree to sell breeders to the "wild" kitten Russia intact. The talks were held about a year, and almost as many had expected birth of a decent kid. I, as a potential buyer, has undergone a very rigorous test. Were requested advice from renowned experts, breeders around the world who bought from me or sell me to the animals.
But now, finally, such an unusual cat appeared in Russia! They immediately charmed the Russian public - on account of the first American Curl cattery "RUSSICURL" ("Russian Curl") more than a dozen trophies and awards on the most representative cat get-togethers (oh, of course, the shows!).
Today, "Russian" Curls are the highest in Europe Exhibition rating! The first WCF-Master in Russia (12 (!) Best of Best, 4 Super Cat) - Procurlharem Murphycurl of Russicurl (Marfik) the best not only in the European system of judging. In the Americas, the ring is not less than impressive victory - The Best American Curl international Division of CFA in 2001!Brides for Marfika arrived from South Africa (kennel Samoa Gems), and from Tallinn (kennel Boomer Smaragd). From these nurseries came the young seals - red-point, and silver-tabby. At present, completed negotiations with the California nursery "DBSCats" the acquisition of seal DBSCats Touch of Class colored brown tabby with white.This baby is 6 months, claims the title of Best Kitten of the North American Division of CFA!
All cats' walk by themselves, "and Curl - walking in the pack. Probably, this feature makes the behavior of these cats indispensable companions.Curl, a good spirit at home, trying to please everybody. He will bring a newspaper in his mouth tired father, who returned to work, will help to wash laundry owner occupied, roaring cheer baby. Kerlika one in the house - always small. All owners of these wonderful cats in this statement are unanimous!

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